Pelvic Floor Dysfunction in Men: Prostrate Surgery

Pelvic floor dysfunctions in men

Sometimes, these are caused by medical conditions like prostatitis or pudendal neuralgia. And in some cases, it can be caused due to high impact exercises, persistent heavy weightlifting, being obese, having persistent cough or even post-surgery in the pelvic region.

No matter what the cause, the pelvic floor muscles can be trained like other muscles in the body and strengthened to get relief from the symptoms, under the guidance of a pelvic floor expert.

Case Study: Prostrate Cancer

Shyam(name changed), a 68 years old man underwent a surgery from the removal of his prostrate. He had an active cancer and his prostrate had enlarged. When the prostrate gland is removed, a part of the internal sphincter is also removed with it as it is connected. It is the sphincter that regulates the flow of urine and makes urination a voluntary action. After his surgery, Shyam started experiencing urinary incontinence.

Control during excretion also comes from the contraction of pelvic floor muscles. Thus, to compensate for the removal of the sphincter, Shyam required retraining of his pelvic floor muscles to regain control.

As he had undergone radiation to treat his cancer, and as a result of surgery, his muscles were extremely weak. He has lost tone in his entire body. Three to four months after his surgery, he came to Persis Elavia Therapies at Moushu’s Pilates Studio in Mumbai and we put him on a toning Pilates program.

Starting with activating the core and recruiting the pelvic floor, we built up his program to strengthen his lower limbs, working on glutes, quads and hip adductors. Strong glutes aid in alignment of the pelvic and indirectly help the pelvic floor muscles better.

We taught him the imagery of lifting the pelvic floor up and closing the doors shut. While imagining this we contract the puborectalis muscle which works from back to front and closes all openings.
The visual imagery and Pilates training which strengthened his muscles, gradually reduced incontinence in daily activities. Although, if he does strenuous activities, it causes stress incontinence. However, after four to six months of training, in his day-to-day movements, he feels more relieved and less on edge.

Visit a specialist

We have a series of videos that can help with Pelvic Floor rehab on our Youtube Channel. Here is one of them:

YouTube video

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